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Boulevard Scheveningen
Boulevard Scheveningen
  • Boulevard: restaurants and music next to the beach. Tips:
    • Eat a tradional herring which are sold from a fish cart.
    • Eat a traditional pancake (‘pannekoek’) or some ‘poffertjes’ at Het Pannekoekenhuisje. Address: Strandweg 17 – 17a
    • Visit the Crazy Pianos Bar, the place to be in Scheveningen, it is below the Kurhaus. Address: Strandweg 21-29.
  • Kurhaus: at boulevard.
  • Casino: at the back of Kurhaus.
  • Panorama Mesdag: go into a large cylinder and see Scheveningen painted about 100 years ago. Address: Zeestraat 65.
  • Madurodam: miniature Netherland. (Situated near Scheveningen.)
Herring eating in Scheveningen.